American Animals Großbritannien/USA 2018 von Bart Layton
Schlagwort: Film A
Await Further Instructions GB 2018 Johnny Kevorkian
Johnny Kevorkian
Sam Gittins, Neerja Naik, Grant Masters, Abby Cruttenden, Holly Weston, Kris Saddler, David Bradley
Gavin Williams
Alan Latham, Jack Tarling
Tiberius Film
Großbritannien 2018 • 96
… GoForIt EineKetteUnglücklicherUmstände
Au Poste! Frankreich 2018 von Quentin Dupieux
Directed by Quentin Dupieux
Produced by Mathieu & Thomas Verhaeghe, Cédric Iland, Nadia Khamlichi, Adrian Politowski
Written by Quentin Dupieux
Starring Benoît Poelvoorde, Grégoire Ludig
Cinematography Quentin Dupieux
Edited by Quentin Dupieux
… GoForIt DieGroßeLiebeOderWirTanzenZuCerrone
An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn von Jim Hosking
Directed by Jim Hosking
Produced by Sam Bisbee, Theodora Dunlap, Emily Leo, Oliver Roskill, Lucas Toh
Screenplay by Jim Hosking, David Wike
Starring Aubrey Plaza, Emile Hirsch, Jemaine Clement, Matt Berry,
… GoForIt Morrissey,BewährungUndVieleQuanten
Ant-Man and the Wasp von Peyton Reed
Directed by Peyton Reed
Produced by Kevin Feige, Stephen Broussard
Written by Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Paul Rudd, Andrew Barrer, Gabriel Ferrari
Based on Ant-Man by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby; Wasp
… GoForIt FürEineHandVollBunterSteinchen
Avengers: Infinity War von Anthony Russo und Joe Russo
Directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Produced by Kevin Feige
Screenplay by Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely
Based on The Avengers by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth,
… GoForIt InDerRuheLiegtDasÜberleben
A Quiet Place von John Krasinski
Directed by John Krasinski
Produced by Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller
Screenplay by Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, John Krasinski
Story by Bryan Woods, Scott Beck
Starring Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Millicent Simmonds, Noah
… GoForIt DieFarbeAusDemAll
Auslöschung – Annihilation von Alex Garland
Directed by Alex Garland
Produced by Scott Rudin, Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Eli Bush
Screenplay by Alex Garland
Based on Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
Starring Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson,
… GoForIt DerMannMitDemHammer
A Beautiful Day (You Were Never Really Here) von Lynne Ramsay
Directed by Lynne Ramsay
Produced by Rosa Attab, Pascal Caucheteux, James Wilson, Lynne Ramsay
Written by Lynne Ramsay
Based on You Were Never Really Here by Jonathan Ames
… GoForIt DieStühleDerToten
Les Affamés von Robin Aubert
Directed by Robin Aubert
Produced by Stéphanie Morissette
Screenplay by Robin Aubert
Musik: Pierre-Philippe Côté
Starring Marc-André Grondin, Monia Chokri, Brigitte Poupart, Luc Proulx, Charlotte St-Martin
Release date 8 September 2017 (TIFF)
Running time 96
… GoForIt DieFalscheBeschwört
The Autopsie of Jane Doe von André Øvredal
Directed by André Øvredal
Produced by Fred Berger, Eric Garcia, Ben Pugh, Rory Aitken
Written by Ian Goldberg, Richard Naing
Starring Emile Hirsch, Brian Cox, Olwen Catherine Kelly
Music by Danny Bensi,
… GoForIt 31.FantasyFilmfest-2.Tag
2. Tag des Fantasy Filmfest 2017 und ja, so kann es weitergehen.
Vier Filme und kein Ausfall, das ist doch schon mal was.
Angefangen hat mein Tag mit „This is Your Dead“ von Giancarlo Esposito: Der Selbstmord als Showevent … GoForIt
Absolutely Fabulous von Mandie Fletcher
Directed by Mandie Fletcher
Produced by Damian Jones, Jon Plowman
Written by Jennifer Saunders
Based on Absolutely Fabulous by Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French
Starring Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, Julia Sawalha, Jane Horrocks, June Whitfield,
… GoForIt KalterKriegUndHeißeMiezen
Atomic Blonde von David Leitch
Directed by David Leitch
Produced by Charlize Theron, Beth Kono, A. J. Dix, Kelly McCormick, Eric Gitter, Peter Schwerin
Screenplay by Kurt Johnstad
Based on The Coldest City by Antony Johnston, Sam Hart
Starring Charlize
… GoForIt Plattendrifting
San Andreas von Brad Peyton