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First Signs of a Zombie Bite
So, you've been bitten. That weird guy in the trench coat at the bus stop bit a lot of people before he staggered onto the bus.
The big question is, is it a Zombie bite? Holyfield had to ask this question, and he seems to have answered correctly since he didn't bite anyone else.
How can you tell a Z bite from a normal crazy bus-stop bite? (remember to lead with your username so we can praise your big insights!)
My guess is that you should watch for a fever, followed by a drop in body temperature. I would also think that the healing would not be typical (i.e. the scab may form, but the wound wouldn't really seem to be healing). Obviously, after a few days there would be much clearer signs that something beyond a bite was amiss, but I'm really not sure how else you could tell.
Honestly, that's a hard call. I personally have always believed in a somewhat tell tale sign from a full body reaction. Besides a fever, an overall reaction such as slowed bodily functions and reaction times. Just as the body dies, I see this to be the most viable sign. If you are bitten, and you become utterly unstable physically, you should always see a doctor. But, in the event of the aforementioned „A-Typical“ healing, your fate is sealed.
The Z bite or zombie bite looks like an ordinary human / animal bite. For a better visual take a look at your bitting style by bitting into an apple or another king of fruit. this type of mark will be in the flesh of a victim of a z bite. Mike Tyson the boxer wasn't a zombie. Zombies hunt in packs or alone. Most times a zombie will play possum or pretend to be dead. This is normal a bite on the leg or on the arm / hand of a victim checking to see if they are alive and can be revived don't be fooled.
Side effects from a zombie bite: No fever from an infected bite. The person are normally cold. The brain is shutting down along with the heart. A normal human has a body temperature of 90-98 F. A zombie body temperature is around 50 F or under. The heart is sometimes still beating just not as fast or at all. The other organ shut down as they are no longer needed. No liver to clean the blood, no kidneys (zombie no longer need to goto the bath room), no lungs as zombies don't breath air. The most primitive parts of the brain are what are powering the zombie. Or in other words a zombie as half or less of a brain than many adult humans, a mentally challenged child may have more brain powder.
What to do if you or a loved one is bitten? A bitten person may have anywhere from 30 seconds to one month this depends on tolerance to the zombie infection. People should isolated or quarantined immediately. Or other words put a bitten victim in a holding cell or strap them to a hospital bed.
There is also the possibility that the infected can't be housed! In this event kill the infected. If possible take a moment to say good bye then shoot the infected in the head or use a mallet to bash their brains in. Take a machete or any other sharp object and cut the head off of the infected person.
To me, the symptoms would vary depending if you were were in contact from specifically designed biological weapon, or if there was direct contact from a z to a non infected victim. the direct deployed infection would be harder to spot at first, unless they hurt themselves during the infection process, by say breaking a limb or falling on a piece of metal, glass or misc. object. One way you can tell is a not foaming, but either dried or drying blood in the mouth.
As for a direct contact transmission, or DCT you can expect anywhere from being bathed in blood to missing many limbs and the occasional jaw. part of this reason is when the disease is transmitted, its usually during a z feeding on you. in this case, if it was a minor bite, the transmission site would swell up.
How exactly zombies come back:
the disease sends the heart into convulsions that kill the infected. then the infection dramatically reduces the body's temperature and sends the body into hypothermia, sending all the blood to the center of the body, and with the disease still in the system, the heart is still going into convulsions that reduce to almost heartbeats, therefore sending blood into the brain, but with all the damage being done, the only functional part of the brain is the medulla oblongata, the section that triggers breathing, motor skills, balance and the need to feed.
Why zombies are so stiff:
With all that blood in the center cavity, there is barley any left in the muscles, and with the body temp. being so low, that doesn't help either (for the zombie, but it greatly helps us).
a bite for a bite, and a spine for a spine
(please note this is all speculation were I am)The sighns of a zombie bite include vomiting, death of skin around the bite, pain in the area of the bite, tiredness, lack of apitite, at the final stage loss of conciousness followed by death.
How soon you die is depedent on leval of infection.
(this information is from the zombie survival guide by Max Brooks) it starts with pain and discoloration of bite area immediate clotting of wound followed by fever, chills, dementia, vomiting and acute pain in joints. Then numbing of extremities and infected area and loss of muscular coordination. Followed by paralysis in lower body and overall numbness followed by a coma then a coma induced death followed by reanimation. All with in place of 12 to 24 hours counting on infection rate.
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